

  • 2024

    Frontend Developer

    GRRR Digital Agency

    3 months

    During my internship at GRRR, I learned al lot while working in a team with other developers. Responsibilities: making flexible components, using React, Typescript and Wordpress Headless CMS.

  • 2021

    Pastry chef

    Willempie Bakery

    2 years

    A little career break to explore my passions. Responsibilities: the entire process from start to final product. I also gained experience in leadership by guiding others through the baking process.

  • 2017

    Graphic Designer


    6 months

    Enjoyed working at a creative real estate agency. Responsibilities: shaping the brand identity, photo editing, designing brochures, and creating illustrations.

  • 2015

    Graphic Designer

    Be Socialized

    1 year

    A company where I gained valuable experience. Responsibilties: designing packaging, logos, and illustrations for diverse clients, as well as web design and infographics.

  • 2014

    Graphic Designer


    2.5 years

    My first job as a graphic designer. Responsibilities: photo editing, designing brochures, lookbooks, packaging, logos, and maintaining the website.